
Representation of beef and veal

Premium meats with exceptional sensory and nutritional properties

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Golden Meat Srl

Golden Meat Srl specialises in the representation of fresh and frozen beef and veal. The company boasts decades of experience in the industry, first as Cassini Claudio and since 2018 as Golden Meat Srl.

We supply wholesalers and large-scale retailers every day. For over 30 years, we have been providing highly professional services and top-quality meats both in Italy and abroad. Today, Golden Meat Srl can guarantee a wide range of beef, pork, and veal of the finest quality, whether fresh or frozen, along with a variety of by-products from the butchering process.

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Cuts of beef and veal from certified farms

Thanks to our thirty years of experience in the representation of beef and veal, Golden Meat Srl is now a reference point for those seeking quality and top-notch products.

The range of meats we offer to our customers includes:

  • Forequarters and hindquarters of veal from the best breeds.
  • Forequarters and hindquarters of young beef from the best breeds
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Regarding veal for white meat under 8 months old, we propose crossbred and white and black breeds, born in Europe and Italy, raised and slaughtered in Italy. During the product selection, we ensure to choose only animals raised in accordance with their well-being and national and European standards.

We are also able to offer foreign meats of European origin, from farms that adhere to animal welfare standards. Additionally, we can provide the full range of fifth-quarter butchering products, both fresh and frozen. We have Angus beef, raised in Italy, available in various vacuum-packed cuts, fresh and frozen.

Representation of domestic and foreign meats: contact us for more information

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